Lectures and Publications
Rachel offers consulting services, lectures and professional development for organizations, communities, and individuals. Below are some topics of recent lectures and publications
Raising successful citizens: The educational ecosystem, challenges and opportunities.
Best Practices in Early Education: Introduction to the Reggio Emilia Educational Approach, Jewish and Israeli educational Philosophies.
From Building Blocks to Building a Start-Up Nation: The Israeli Education System
How to Rebalance the Jewish Ecosystem
Education in a Rapidly Changing World: Wisdom from the Jewish Tradition
The Ecosystem of Early Childhood Jewish Education
The Multiple Dimensions of Israel
The Sky is NOT the Limit: Priorities and Choices in Education: Lessons from the life of NASA Astronaut Jeff Hoffman.
The Ecosystem of Early Childhood Jewish Education: The Environment as a teacher

Education in a Time of War - Podcast
Video recordings of events and lectures related to "Space Torah" film and the journey of NASA astronaut Dr. Jeff Hoffman.
The Landscape of Early Engagement: Challenges and Opportunities, JEEF Hebrew College
The Impact of Pandemic Practices of Early Childhood Education, Prizmah 2021
How to Rebalance the Jewish Ecosystem, eJp 2019
The Multiple Dimensions of Israel, EJewish Philantropy, 2018
From Sinai to Outer Space, eJp 2018
Another Kind of Birthright, eJp 2018
Jewish Early Engagement Forum One Year Later: Dayenu? Is it enough? eJP. 8/24/2017
Ayeka, Where are you? Jeduationworld. 3/2017
Bringing Israel to Manchester Vermont: Pilot Summer Camp Program. eJp 1/3/2016
Who will Guide, Nourish and Love the Next Generation? eJp 2016
Israeli Programs Exemplify How Early Engagement Can Effect Social Change. EJP 1/26/2016
The Giving Tree and the Giving Educator. eJp 2/26/2016 (with Linna Ettinger)
Bringing Israelis and American Jews together in America. Ejp 5/2016
Constructive Conversation about Israel. EJp 6/5/2016
ABC Israel, by Rachel Raz2012
The Colors of Israel, By Rachel Raz, 2015 Kar-Ben Publishing